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Mother Holding Baby Finger


Bundle of Joy
Lactation Support


Chelsea Wright

RN, Lactation Consultant

& Lactation Educator

I am a mom of two babies, a trained pediatric nurse, and I certify as a lactation consultant, lactation educator and breastfeeding specialist. I would like to share my experience with breastfeeding my two children…


When I had my daughter in 2020, I experienced struggle with breastfeeding. With her being my first baby, I had never breastfed before and her being born with torticollis of the neck made positioning and latching her at the breast difficult. I developed postpartum thyroiditis which affected my milk supply. I ended up receiving help and successfully breastfed her for 6 months. Then I pursued further education to become a lactation consultant while on maternity leave because I became passionate about breastfeeding my child and wanted to help other mothers with their experiences when I returned to work.  


With my second child, born in 2023, I had an oversupply of milk and he had a tongue tie and refused a bottle. Once I figured out what worked well for us, and with my training and knowledge from being a lactation consultant, I am proud that I could breastfeed him for 12 months. 


I created my business, “Bundle of Joy: Lactation Support” after personal struggle with breastfeeding my first child, and when I saw there was a great need for breastfeeding assistance in the community of Brantford.


My goal for my lactation business is to be able to give clear, proper, non-biased and in-depth support and education to families in the postpartum period and to be able to help them meet whatever their wishes may be for feeding their child. 


Chelsea Wright

Registered Nurse (Paediatrics)


International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)


Certified Breastfeeding Specialist (CBS)


Certified Lactation Educator (CLE)


located in Brantford, ON

Baby Breastfeeding

Finding the Right Support

for Your Family

Latch and Positioning Support
Milk Supply Concerns
Supplementing a Breastfed Baby
Weight Gain Concerns
Postpartum Breast Issues
Weaning from Breastfeeding
Prenatal Breastfeeding Education
Tongue Ties or Other Anatomical Differences

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